Data on school-related gender-based violence in Namibia.
This study assessed associations between recent transactional sex among adolescent girls and young women in Uganda.
Data on school-related gender-based violence in Uganda.
This analysis employed data from 13–24-year-old females as part of the Violence Against Children and Youth Surveys (VACS) in Nigeria, Uganda, and Malawi.
The National Child Policy (NCP) demonstrates the commitment by the Government of Uganda to ensure the well-being of all children. It has an institutional mechanism to ensure it is implemented in a multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary manner.
This study specifically investigates the role of fathers and whether paternal violence victimization is associated with peer violence perpetration, above and beyond maternal violence victimization.
Data on school-related gender-based violence in Kenya.
Data on school-related gender-based violence in Mozambique.
Data on school-related gender-based violence in Zimbabwe.
Data on school-related gender-based violence in Lesotho.
This study seeks to explore the magnitude of witnessing intimate partner violence between caregivers, its association with other types of violence, and the relationship between witnessing intimate partner violence in the past and current mental distress.
This study explores the rarely studied prevalence and dynamics around disclosure, reporting, and help seeking behaviours of children who ever experienced physical and/or sexual violence.