All: The association between youth violence and mental health outcomes in Colombia: A cross sectional analysis

imagina case study
Case study

Challenges and lessons learned in the development of the Departmental Action Plans to end VAC in Colombia

This case study describes the development process of the “Departmental Action Plans”, within the framework of the development and implementation of Colombia’s National Action Plan to end VAC.

imagina case study
Case study

Colombia's National Action Plan’s monitoring strategy

This case study describes the strategy implemented to monitor Colombia's National Action Plan (NAP).

Colombia NAP report
Technical reports

Colombia's development of a National Action Plan to end violence against children and youth 2021-2023

This report aims to identify the milestones, key actions, and lessons learned from the development of the NAP in Colombia.

Injury prevention bmj journal
VACS journal articles

Association between violence and mental distress, self-harm, and suicidal ideation and attempts among young people in Malawi

This study examines the relationship between exposure to violence and mental health issues among youth using a nationally representative study in Malawi.

Child abuse neglect journal
VACS journal articles

Age at first exposure to violence and later mental health outcomes: A sex-disaggregated, multi-country analysis in sub-Saharan Africa

This study conducts a multi-country, gender-stratified analysis of the relationship between age at first incident of physical violence and outcomes of wellbeing in sub-Saharan Africa.

International journal injury control
VACS journal articles

Self-harming behavior in relation to exposure to inter-personal violence among youth and young adults in Colombia

This study examined violence exposure and self-harm among Colombian youth aged 13–24.

Journal environmental research public health
VACS journal articles

Attitudinal acceptance of intimate partner violence and mental health outcomes for female survivors in sub-Saharan Africa

This analysis employed data from 13–24-year-old females as part of the Violence Against Children and Youth Surveys (VACS) in Nigeria, Uganda, and Malawi.

Child abuse neglect journal
VACS journal articles

Prevalence of childhood exposure to intimate partner violence and associations with mental distress in Cambodia, Malawi and Nigeria: A cross-sectional study

This study seeks to explore the magnitude of witnessing intimate partner violence between caregivers, its association with other types of violence, and the relationship between witnessing intimate partner violence in the past and current mental distress.

Colombia VACS Report cover
VACS reports

Colombia Violence Against Children and Youth Survey (VACS) report 2020 (data collection 2018)

Explore the data in Colombia's Violence Against Children and Youth Survey (VACS) report.

  • EN, ES
Colombia country fact sheet cover
Fact sheets

Colombia Violence Against Children and Youth Survey (VACS) fact sheet 2020 (data collection 2018)

An overview of the data found in Colombia's Violence Against Children and Youth Survey (VACS) report.

  • EN, ES
Sage journals
VACS journal articles

Intimate partner violence and mental health: Sex-disaggregated associations among adolescents and young adults in Uganda

This study examines the association between intimate partner violence victimization, perpetration, and mental health outcomes for male and female adolescents and young adults.

Journal global health
VACS journal articles

Perpetration of intimate partner violence and mental health outcomes: Sex- and gender-disaggregated associations among adolescents and young adults in Nigeria

This analysis examines the association between intimate partner violence perpetration and mental health for male and female adolescents and young adults in Nigeria.
