All: Violence, SRH, health behaviors, risk, and protective factors, by level of education

Girls and Young women empowerment
Technical reports

National girls’ and young women’s empowerment framework in Zimbabwe

This is the first ever National girls’ and young women’s empowerment framework outlines the government’s commitment to the empowerment of girls and young women through ensuring that they actively and effectively participate at all levels of social, economic, and political development.

2013 National Plan of Action to Prevent and Respond to Violence against Children in Tanzania
National Action Plans

Tanzania: Multi sector national plan of action to prevent and respond to violence against children 2013-2016

Moving from research into action, the Multi-Sector Task Force agreed key “Priority Responses” across a number of sectors to address the problem of violence: the Police, Justice, Education, Health and Social Welfare, HIV and AIDS, Local Government, Community Development, Civil Society and the Religious Community.

Protocol on the Multi-Sectoral Management of Sexual Abuse and Violence in Zimbabwe
VACS reports

Protocol on the multi-sectoral management of sexual abuse and violence in Zimbabwe

Explore the protocols on the multi-sectoral management of sexual abuse and violence in Zimbabwe.

Zimbabwe national baseline survey VACS report 2011
Technical reports

Zimbabwe Violence Against Children and Youth Survey (VACS) report 2011

The National baseline survey on life experiences of adolescents is the first nationally representative study on violence against children in Zimbabwe.

Tanzania VACS 2011
VACS reports

Tanzania Violence Against Children and Youth Survey (VACS) report 2011 (data collection 2009)

Explore the data in Tanzania's Violence Against Children and Youth Survey (VACS) report.

Tanzania country fact sheet
Fact sheets

Tanzania Violence Against Children and Youth Survey (VACS) fact sheet 2011 (data collection 2009)

An overview of the data found in Tanzania's Violence Against Children and Youth Survey (VACS) report.
