All children deserve the opportunity to live free from the threat of violence. This goal couldn’t be more critical for African nations. Africa has the largest youth demographic of any continent, and by 2030, young Africans are expected to make up 42% of the world’s youth.
On May 11-13, 2022, senior government officials and civil society leaders from over 30 African countries gathered at the Pan-African symposium on violence prevention in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Social norms drive gender inequalities and violence, and even though access to education is a human right, learners across the globe are impacted by school-related gender-based violence.
Together for Girls released a new case study highlighting groundbreaking country-led action to end violence against children and youth from a decade of the partnership’s collective work in Tanzania.
Girls from all over the world used their artistic talents to illustrate barriers and solutions to gender inequities that stop them from reaching their full potential.