All: National prevention and response plan on violence against children in Kenya 2019-2023

Africa regional blog

Africa’s future: how one historic conference on ending violence against children holds the key to leveraging the region’s potential

All children deserve the opportunity to live free from the threat of violence. This goal couldn’t be more critical for African nations. Africa has the largest youth demographic of any continent, and by 2030, young Africans are expected to make up 42% of the world’s youth.

  • 22nd November 2024
LVCT DREAMS programe Kenya 16

Groundbreaking data tells a story of violence in Kenya, and leads to 7 acts that reduced it by half

In 2010, Kenya's first national Violence Against Children and Youth Survey revealed alarming statistics about the prevalence of physical, sexual, and emotional violence among boys and girls. A decade later the data told a different story. The power of data-driven action at a national level was proven for the first time, uncovering the efficacy of interventions to protect at-risk children.

  • 4th December 2023
Hands together Africa outline

African governments commit to ending violence against children

On May 11-13, 2022, senior government officials and civil society leaders from over 30 African countries gathered at the Pan-African symposium on violence prevention in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

  • 26th May 2022
Girl silhouette pink illustration

Five things to know from the Generation Equality Forum

The Generation Equality Forum, convened by UN Women was co-hosted by the governments of France and Mexico in close partnership with civil society and youth activists, launched a collective call to accelerate action for gender equality.

  • 30th June 2021
shleigh Howard VACS interviewers in Indonesia before data collection 2013

Top 10 things you should know about the Violence Against Children and Youth Surveys (VACS)

Ashleigh Howard — a global health epidemiologist with expertise in violence and HIV — shares her top 10 things you should know about the Violence Against Children and Youth Surveys.

  • 24th October 2019