All: The negative impact of violence on children’s education and well-being: Evidence from Northern Nigeria

Violence, SRH, health behaviors, risk and protective factors, by level of education
Technical reports

Violence, SRH, health behaviors, risk, and protective factors, by level of education

Explore the results from a secondary analysis of VACS data by Together for Girls, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and Global Affairs Canada.

Social science and medicine
VACS journal articles

From fathers to peers: Association between paternal violence victimization and peer violence perpetration among youth in Malawi, Nigeria, and Zambia

This study specifically investigates the role of fathers and whether paternal violence victimization is associated with peer violence perpetration, above and beyond maternal violence victimization.

Bmc public health
VACS journal articles

Disclosure, reporting, and help seeking among child survivors of violence: A cross country analysis

This study explores the rarely studied prevalence and dynamics around disclosure, reporting, and help seeking behaviours of children who ever experienced physical and/or sexual violence.

Global public health journal
VACS journal articles

Early sexual debut: A multi-country, sex-stratified analysis in sub-Saharan Africa

This article examines the outcomes associated with early sexual debut in five sub-Saharan African countries for males and females, separately.

Nigeria school related gender based violence fact sheet
Fact sheets

Nigeria: School-related gender-based violence fact sheet

Data on school-related gender-based violence in Nigeria.

Nigeria country fact sheet
Fact sheets

Nigeria Violence Against Children and Youth Survey (VACS) fact sheet 2016 (data collection 2014)

An overview of the data found in Nigeria's Violence Against Children and Youth Survey (VACS) report.

Economic Burden of VAC Nigeria
VACS reports

The economic burden of violence against children: Nigeria study

Explore the first study to estimate the economic burden of aspects of violence against children in Nigeria.

Nigeria a Pathfinding Country (A road map for Ending VAC )
National Action Plans

Nigeria: A Pathfinding country

This document sets out the pathway that Nigeria will take to achieve the goal of ending violence against children.

Nigeria VACS Report 2016
VACS reports

Nigeria Violence Against Children and Youth Survey (VACS) report 2016 (data collection 2014)

Explore the data in Nigeria's Violence Against Children and Youth Survey (VACS) report.

Nigeria priority actions to ending violence against children
National Action Plans

Nigeria National Action Plan 2015