All: Key considerations for engaging men and boys as a prevention strategy

End srgbv blog

Transformative solutions to end school-related gender based violence must centre survivors

Through collective advocacy messaging and political recommendations on the intersections of gender and violence, we can influence the political stakeholders who can enable efforts to end gender-based violence in, around and through schools.

  • 6th July 2023
Girl swinging on tire swing

VidaNyx: Accelerating child abuse prevention, healing, and justice

Together for Girls profiles VidaNyx — the leading cloud-based digital video evidence management solution that works to address the needs of the Children’s Advocacy Center in the U.S. — as a critical solution in the What Works to Prevent Sexual Violence Against Children Evidence Review.

  • 27th April 2021
Girls running on track

Safeguarding 101: Why it’s critical to keeping kids safe

Whether you’re a parent, leader of a youth-focused organization, or coach of a youth sports team, you should know what safeguarding is and why it’s critical to keeping kids safe.

  • 22nd October 2020
Woman standing on a hill looking out

What’s your take on equality? But, really…

Twenty-five years ago this week, 50,000 people gathered in Beijing for the UN’s Fourth World Conference on Women.

  • 16th September 2020
Athlete A

Athlete A: What it teaches us… and fails to teach us about sexual violence against children

Athlete A reminds us how regularly survivors are ignored and how often they are chastised for reporting an abuser. It reveals how self-interested institutions can themselves turn into cloaks of protection for the most heinous crimes.

  • 19th August 2020
Keep kids safe online

The new face of schooling… and keeping kids safe at home and online

The COVID-19 lockdowns around the U.S. have exacerbated what was already a widespread problem gripping our nation: the trapping of children at home with sexual abusers.

  • 13th August 2020
girl looking into the distance

Friends don’t remain silent. Here's what to say if a survivor of sexual violence comes to you.

Friends can play a powerful role in helping survivors access and receive critical care to help them seek justice and start their journey to heal.

  • 31st July 2020
hands reaching out to touch

We can end sexual violence. But how we end it is well beyond policing.

Survivors of sexual violence, particularly those of color, should be leading the conversations about their needs and the needs of their communities, informing policy, and catalyzing prevention.

  • 23rd July 2020
Kids holding hands

Understanding child sexual abuse

Childhood sexual violence differs from other forms of violence, such as physical or psychological violence, as child development and the capacity to consent influence its recognition as a crime.

  • 22nd September 2019
Together for Girls logo

Get involved: 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence

Six ways to celebrate 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence.

  • 8th December 2017
Together for Girls logo

A father’s role: Changing the conversation around gender equality

Together for Girls had the opportunity to interview Gary Barker, the President and CEO of Promundo and longtime champion of engaging men and boys in gender equality and violence prevention.

  • 13th June 2017