All: Nigeria Violence Against Children and Youth Survey (VACS) fact sheet 2016 (data collection 2014)

Child abuse neglect journal
VACS journal articles

Age at first exposure to violence and later mental health outcomes: A sex-disaggregated, multi-country analysis in sub-Saharan Africa

This study conducts a multi-country, gender-stratified analysis of the relationship between age at first incident of physical violence and outcomes of wellbeing in sub-Saharan Africa.

Bmc public health
VACS journal articles

Parental care status and sexual risk behavior in five nationally-representative surveys of sub-Saharan African nations

This study was a secondary analysis of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Violence Against Children and Youth Surveys (VACS) from Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Nigeria, and Zambia.

Journal environmental research public health
VACS journal articles

Attitudinal acceptance of intimate partner violence and mental health outcomes for female survivors in sub-Saharan Africa

This analysis employed data from 13–24-year-old females as part of the Violence Against Children and Youth Surveys (VACS) in Nigeria, Uganda, and Malawi.

Social science and medicine
VACS journal articles

From fathers to peers: Association between paternal violence victimization and peer violence perpetration among youth in Malawi, Nigeria, and Zambia

This study specifically investigates the role of fathers and whether paternal violence victimization is associated with peer violence perpetration, above and beyond maternal violence victimization.

Child abuse neglect journal
VACS journal articles

Prevalence of childhood exposure to intimate partner violence and associations with mental distress in Cambodia, Malawi and Nigeria: A cross-sectional study

This study seeks to explore the magnitude of witnessing intimate partner violence between caregivers, its association with other types of violence, and the relationship between witnessing intimate partner violence in the past and current mental distress.

Educational development journal
VACS journal articles

The negative impact of violence on children’s education and well-being: Evidence from Northern Nigeria

This study provides comprehensive evidence on the negative effects of physical, sexual, and emotional violence on children’s well-being and educational outcomes in Northern Nigeria.

Sage journals
VACS journal articles

Associations between endorsement of inequitable gender norms and intimate partner violence and sexual risk behaviors among youth in Nigeria: Violence Against Children and Youth Survey, 2014

This study assessed whether the endorsement of inequitable gender norms about intimate partner violence against women and sexual behavior was associated with intimate partner violence victimization, intimate partner violence perpetration, and sexual risk behavior.

Bmc public health
VACS journal articles

Disclosure, reporting, and help seeking among child survivors of violence: A cross country analysis

This study explores the rarely studied prevalence and dynamics around disclosure, reporting, and help seeking behaviours of children who ever experienced physical and/or sexual violence.

Global public health journal
VACS journal articles

Early sexual debut: A multi-country, sex-stratified analysis in sub-Saharan Africa

This article examines the outcomes associated with early sexual debut in five sub-Saharan African countries for males and females, separately.

Child abuse neglect journal
VACS journal articles

Emotional violence in childhood and health conditions, risk-taking behaviors, and violence perpetration among young adults in Nigeria

This study examines the independent association between emotional violence and some health conditions, risk taking behaviors, and violence perpetration among Nigerian young adults.

Sage journals
VACS journal articles

Sexual violence prevalence and related pregnancy among girls and young women: A multicountry analysis

This study aims to quantify the prevalence of forced sex, pressured sex, and related pregnancy among adolescent girls and young women in five low- and middle-income countries.

Nigeria school related gender based violence fact sheet
Fact sheets

Nigeria: School-related gender-based violence fact sheet

Data on school-related gender-based violence in Nigeria.
