All: Proven: The power of data-driven advocacy to protect children

Girl reading book

How can we keep kids safe with only $0.09 of U.S. foreign assistance budgeted towards child wellbeing?

To ensure the continued leadership and influence of the U.S. in the prevention of and response to violence against children globally, we are requesting at least $10million in funding to support VACS directed by CDC to meet the demand across a more comprehensive geographic range of implementation relevant to U.S. foreign assistance priorities.

  • 26th September 2024
School children kenya

Youth voices are critical in new evidence on the epidemiology of violence, and how we can prevent it

Participants from the Data to Action research course reflect on the lessons from utilising Violence Against Children and Youth Survey data to generate new research on violence in 4 VACS countries.

  • 20th May 2024
Nepalese girls smiling

How a decade of data is leading solutions to keep children safe

Change is possible, and violence is preventable. By implementing evidence-based policies and targeted interventions we can end violence against children.

  • 19th April 2024
Trezar daughter DREAMS

Why investing in preventing childhood sexual violence is the right thing, and the smart thing

Investing in ending childhood sexual violence is the right thing to do, and we must protect kids and support those who have experienced this horrible trauma. Globally, policy and decision makers can save billions investing in preventing child sexual abuse. The returns on investment would cut across physical and mental health, labor, judicial, and other sectors.

  • 11th September 2023
Youth data

How are youth activists using data to fight gender-based violence?

What are the current pathways for youth participation in research? To end gender-based violence issues of intersectionality must be addressed. Critically, all strategies for using data on these intersectional issues must prioritize youth and survivor voices. This is particularly true in both development and humanitarian contexts.

  • 6th July 2023
Health ministers in East, Central, and Southern Africa pass resolution to end violence against children

Health ministers in East, Central, and Southern Africa pass resolution to end violence against children

A recent ECSA-HC resolution prioritizing evidence-based action to stop childhood violence is a milestone for the sector with far-reaching implications for the region.

  • 4th April 2023
Daniela Ligiero

The power of saying “I am a survivor”

Daniela Ligiero, survivor of childhood sexual violence, explains how she uses her story to change perceptions about childhood violence and create a safer world for future generations.

  • 23rd March 2023
cote d'ivoire blog vision of long lasting change

A vision for long lasting change in Côte d’Ivoire

Together for Girls is promoting meaningful partnerships amongst local agencies to catalyze full scale support for children.

  • 28th March 2022
Cote d Ivoire Afrobaromoter

Gender norms, education, and violence against girls and women: Lessons from Côte d’Ivoire

For decades, advocates and researchers have stressed the need to collect more data on both violence against children and violence against women and have pushed to make sure data is disaggregated by sex, age and geography.

  • 27th September 2021
  • EN, FR
Child smiling in a red shirt Uganda

Pioneering the prevention of violence against children in Uganda

In 2015, Uganda’s commitment to implementing the Violence Against Children Surveys (VACS) was motivated by limited pre-existing nationwide data on the prevalence and magnitude of violence against children.

  • 26th July 2021
Together for Girls logo

Data-driven advocacy for safe and gender equitable schools

“Social Responsibility within Changing Contexts” was the 2021 conference theme for the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES). CIES is dedicated to increasing understanding of educational issues, trends, and policies through comparative, intercultural, and international perspectives.

  • 21st May 2021
Girls reading at school

The gendered reality of corporal punishment in schools

Social norms drive gender inequalities and violence, and even though access to education is a human right, learners across the globe are impacted by school-related gender-based violence.

  • 30th April 2021