All: About the Violence Against Children and Youth Surveys

TfG strategy 2024
TfG materials

Together for Girls Strategy 2024

The latest Together for Girls strategy 2024-2030 (PDF) outlines how we will address the 5 key challenges to children's safety and introduces our 4 key initiatives model.

Toward a safer tomorrow TfG Impact report
TfG materials

Together for Girls Impact Report 2022-2023

This report highlights two years of impact in collaboration with our global partners in our mission to create a safer tomorrow for all children and adolescents.

vacs course webinar

From data to action: A course on analyzing and using the VACS

This webinar showcases the outcomes of the Violence Against Children & Youth Surveys (VACS) course, by Together for Girls, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and BD.

Global public health journal
VACS journal articles

The Violence Against Children and Youth Surveys (VACS): Using VACS data to drive programmes and policies

Explore this study on peer-reviewed research which used Violence Against Children and Youth (VACS) data or mentioned the VACS.

Social science and medicine
VACS journal articles

From fathers to peers: Association between paternal violence victimization and peer violence perpetration among youth in Malawi, Nigeria, and Zambia

This study specifically investigates the role of fathers and whether paternal violence victimization is associated with peer violence perpetration, above and beyond maternal violence victimization.

VACS Process Paper cover
Technical reports

VACS Process Paper

Linking Violence Against Children and Youth Surveys to Coordinated and Effective Action: CDC and the Together for Girls Partnership is intended to serve as a guide for countries and Together for Girls partners interested in undertaking VACS and supporting data-informed actions to address the burden and consequences of violence against children and youth.

Sage journals
VACS journal articles

Intimate partner violence and mental health: Sex-disaggregated associations among adolescents and young adults in Uganda

This study examines the association between intimate partner violence victimization, perpetration, and mental health outcomes for male and female adolescents and young adults.

Sage journals
VACS journal articles

Sexual violence prevalence and related pregnancy among girls and young women: A multicountry analysis

This study aims to quantify the prevalence of forced sex, pressured sex, and related pregnancy among adolescent girls and young women in five low- and middle-income countries.

Journal global health
VACS journal articles

Perpetration of intimate partner violence and mental health outcomes: Sex- and gender-disaggregated associations among adolescents and young adults in Nigeria

This analysis examines the association between intimate partner violence perpetration and mental health for male and female adolescents and young adults in Nigeria.

Journal of adolescent health
VACS journal articles

Attitudinal acceptance of intimate partner violence among adolescents and young adults in Nigeria and Tanzania: An exploration into target reference groups

This study examines the gendered association of acceptance of intimate partner violence across age, marital status, and education attainment — for male and female adolescents and young adults.

Plos one journal
VACS journal articles

Sex and age effects in past-year experiences of violence amongst adolescents in five countries

The purpose of this study was to investigate experiences of violence by age and sex across in Cambodia, Haiti, Kenya, Malawi, and Tanzania.

Child abuse neglect journal
VACS journal articles

A sex-disaggregated analysis of how emotional violence relates to suicide ideation in low- and middle-income countries

This study examines how exposure to emotional violence is associated with suicide ideation in childhood and adolescence in low- and middle-income countries.
