All: Daniela Ligiero

Toddler girl playing

Every child safe: Uniting key actors in the global fight to end violence against children

Join us for this critical discussion of the progress needed to address violence against children, adolescents and sexual and gender-based violence against girls.

  • 21st May 2024
Nepalese girls smiling

How a decade of data is leading solutions to keep children safe

Change is possible, and violence is preventable. By implementing evidence-based policies and targeted interventions we can end violence against children.

  • 19th April 2024
Why education has to start with keeping children safe

Why education has to start with keeping children safe

It is not enough for children to attend school. We must also ensure they are safe doing so. Violence prevention and response should be integrated into education policy and programming to ensure safe schools for all students.

  • 11th January 2024
Daniela center holding child survivor brave hero size

Message to a young survivor

You are not alone. It’s important that those with lived experience don’t feel pressured to share anything publicly. We all have our own journeys, and many survivors chose to not be public, while still being incredible agents for change.

  • 3rd November 2023

Why investing in preventing childhood sexual violence is the right thing, and the smart thing

Investing in ending childhood sexual violence is the right thing to do, and we must protect kids and support those who have experienced this horrible trauma. Globally, policy and decision makers can save billions investing in preventing child sexual abuse. The returns on investment would cut across physical and mental health, labor, judicial, and other sectors.

  • 11th September 2023
Brave movement keep kids safe capitol hill
Brave Movement and Keep Kids Safe colleagues took part in a Day of Action to urged leaders to take action to end childhood sexual violence, both online and offline.

Survivors of childhood sexual violence drive advocacy in the US and EU

In Brussels and DC, survivors from the Keep Kids Safe Coalition and Brave Movement urged leaders to take action to end childhood sexual violence, both online and offline.

  • 3rd May 2023
Daniela Ligiero

The power of saying “I am a survivor”

Daniela Ligiero, survivor of childhood sexual violence, explains how she uses her story to change perceptions about childhood violence and create a safer world for future generations.

  • 23rd March 2023
School-children-holding-hands safe to learn essay

"Safe to learn" essay collection: The role data and research play in ending violence in schools

The “Safe to learn” initiative published a collection of essays that examine and tackle the causes of different forms of violence in and around schools. This essay is authored by Dr. Daniela Ligiero, Executive Director & CEO of Together for Girls.

  • 30th June 2022
Children learning in a classroom

Investing in schools and teachers is key to unlocking solutions to school-related gender-based violence

Every child deserves to be safe at home, in their communities, and at school. However, findings from the VACS show that many children experience school-related gender-based violence. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

  • 2nd December 2020
RBG promise
Photo: Karen Cox/SheKnows

What’s your #RBGPromise?

  • 23rd September 2020
Woman standing on a hill looking out

What’s your take on equality? But, really…

Twenty-five years ago this week, 50,000 people gathered in Beijing for the UN’s Fourth World Conference on Women.

  • 16th September 2020
Children Cote d'Ivoire

Sexual violence against children: Lessons from Côte d’Ivoire

The Violence Against Children and Youth Survey report, reveals new data about the state of violence against children throughout Côte d’Ivoire, but also, pointing to critical facts that were previously unknown.

  • 9th September 2020