All: Making it clear: how is money spent to address child sexual abuse?

Toddler girl playing

Every child safe: Uniting key actors in the global fight to end violence against children

Join us for this critical discussion of the progress needed to address violence against children, adolescents and sexual and gender-based violence against girls.

  • 21st May 2024

Why investing in preventing childhood sexual violence is the right thing, and the smart thing

Investing in ending childhood sexual violence is the right thing to do, and we must protect kids and support those who have experienced this horrible trauma. Globally, policy and decision makers can save billions investing in preventing child sexual abuse. The returns on investment would cut across physical and mental health, labor, judicial, and other sectors.

  • 11th September 2023
Puska Kigamboni Community Centre
Puska and her son at the Kigamboni Community Centre. Photo: Together for Girls/Alexandra Tucci Thomas/Tanzania.

Revealed: lessons from 20 countries after the world's largest survey on violence against children

Violence is preventable. Banning child marriage has been achieved because of contributions from the Violence Against Children and Youth Surveys (VACS). But greater investment is urgently needed to ensure that more data collection and other hard-fought wins continue.

  • 21st August 2023
hands reaching out to touch

We can end sexual violence. But how we end it is well beyond policing.

Survivors of sexual violence, particularly those of color, should be leading the conversations about their needs and the needs of their communities, informing policy, and catalyzing prevention.

  • 23rd July 2020