
Request for applications: qualitative research on changes in prevalence between Tanzania’s Violence Against Children & Youth Surveys

Together for Girls (TfG) is a global partnership working to end violence against children (VAC) and adolescents, particularly sexual violence against girls. The partnership pays special attention to the gendered dimensions of violence, and its impact on health, education and human rights. We envision a world where every young person is safe, protected and empowered. At TfG, we strive to demonstrate our values through the stewardship of a courageous, collaborative, empathetic, and respectful culture that promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout our partnership.

Founded in 2009, the TfG partnership includes more than 25 national governments across sub-Saharan Africa, Central and South America, Southeast Asia, and Europe, as well as civil society organizations (CSOs), UN entities, development partners and the private sector. Our collective work uses an innovative approach to providing four solutions and objectives related to ending violence against children:

  1. Generate high-quality, comprehensive data on violence against children. Objective 1.1: National governments will spearhead the implementation of additional Violence Against Children and Youth Surveys (VACS) through multisector steering committees, integrating inputs from national authorities, civil society, survivor leaders, and development partners.
  2. Sharing existing solutions to VAC through the Safe Futures Hub (SFH). Objective 2.1: Key stakeholders, including advocates, practitioners, and decision-makers, will have access to the latest and most effective evidence and practice-based knowledge on preventing and responding to childhood sexual violence through the SFH.
  3. Data-driven, survivor-led activism and advocacy. Objective 3.1: We will mobilize broad awareness and the political will to act, especially across sectors.
  4. Enhance locally led cross-sector collaboration. Objective 4.1: Through collaborative and transformative partnerships, especially with local actors, we will leverage data and evidence to inform multi-sectoral policies and boost political commitment across sectors for action on VAC.
  5. Adapt to meet the moment. Objective 5.1: We will adapt the VACS and other research methodologies to effectively understand and address the challenges posed by digital threats as well as displacement, ensuring we are responsive to emerging new threats.

Through evidence-based prevention solutions with policies and programs that ensure access to healing and justice for survivors, we work toward direct positive outcomes across human development indicators, including health, education, social protection, and economic growth. The partnership is supported by a growing secretariat team.

Closing date
31st October 2024


The VACS are household surveys that measure experiences of sexual, physical, and emotional violence among children and youth, as well as risk and protective factors at the individual, relationship and community levels. The Government of Tanzania finalized data collection for its second VACS in mid-2024. This follows publication of the first VACS study, conducted in 2009, which informed policies and programming at the national and local level. As one of the first countries to conduct two comparable VACS, Tanzania’s experience provides a wealth of potential learning opportunities both internally and for other countries in the region and across the globe. Statistical analyses of the most recent VACS are being undertaken by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). UNICEF-Tanzania has engaged a consultant to collect and compile a key documents and data sources (e.g,. policy documents, national action plans, program reports, etc) and identify key stakeholders at the national level and 2-3 focus regions as well as Zanzibar to inform a situation analysis to facilitate understanding of the most recent VACS findings.

A qualitative investigation of the policies, programs, investments, and societal factors that may have impacted changes observed between the 2009 and 2024 VACS will build upon the situation analysis currently underway through UNICEF-Tanzania. This qualitative research will have a special focus on adolescent girls and on education-sector related factors. The research will provide insights on what has worked and what policy and program gaps remain to address VAC in mainland Tanzania and in Zanzibar. It will also ensure documentation of policy and programmatic changes that can serve as a model for other countries working to prevent and address VAC. This information will complement the quantitative VACS findings by providing a narrative that builds on the results. Additionally, this research is an opportunity to ensure that current and future policies and programs address gaps identified by VACS data and qualitative research findings.

In Kenya, results of a quantitative comparison of repeat VACS provided information about changes in the prevalence of VAC over time, including significant drops in the prevalence of sexual VAC. This inspired TfG to undertake a qualitative study ‘A Decade of Change’, led by LVCT Health, to better understand the factors contributing to changes in the prevalence of VAC such as a strengthened legal framework and programming for safer environments for girls. Lessons learned from ‘A Decade of Change’ could inform this research in Tanzania.

Project activities

The proposed project will include the following activities:

  • Research advisory group: A research advisory group composed of core VACS stakeholders, the Government of Tanzania (GoT), academics, and a small number of key Tanzanian organizations will be created to provide technical and expert advice throughout the course of the project. This group will work closely with other existing VACS and VAC coordination mechanisms in-country.

  • Research design development: The research design will be developed in collaboration with GoT, UNICEF, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and in consultation with the research advisory group of national, regional, and global partners and stakeholders.

  • Desk review: The researcher will work closely with UNICEF’s consultant (discussed above) to complete a desk review. This will include national-level laws, policies, directives, and regulations, as well as plans and other documents related to systems and processes. Additional data sources, such as complimentary surveys within the relevant period, budget lines, monitoring and response systems, and news reporting related to political commitments and action, should be identified. This desk review will also contribute to the Safe to Learn benchmarking and diagnostic tool implementation in Tanzania through a concurrent TfG partnership. The desk review will be multisectoral and will prioritize the review of documents/information related to the education sector and school-related violence against children.

  • Key informant interviews: The research methodology will include interviews with GoT, VAC/VAW stakeholders, civil society organizations, regional organizations, multilateral organizations and partnerships, and bilateral and philanthropic partners/funders which are being identified through the UNICEF situation analysis discussed above. The research partner should use key moments such as the VACS Data to Action workshop, at which stakeholders are convened.

  • Report launch and dissemination: The research partner will develop a report on the research findings and recommendations to inform the implementation of the new National Action Plan for VAC/VAW in partnership with the advisory group, research partners, and other key stakeholders. Dissemination will ensure that the report and any supporting materials are shared widely with relevant national and regional stakeholders and the global child protection, GBV, and ending VAC communities.

Purpose of the request for applications

Together for Girls is seeking to partner with a Tanzania-based research institution to 1) conduct/lead qualitative research on the changes in policies and programs over time between Tanzania’s two VACS; and 2) disseminate its results to local, national, regional, and global policymakers, researchers, practitioners, and advocates for them to a) have an understanding of factors (policies, investments, programs, interventions, contextual elements like economic growth and evolving social norms) that contributed to the overall reductions in VAC over time in Tanzania, and b) to drive policy development and implementation, investments, and further research at the national and global levels both by documenting successful policy and programmatic actions in and elucidating remaining policy and program gaps in prevention and response to VAC in Tanzania.

This RFA solicits concept notes and relevant qualifications from potential country-based partners who are prepared to engage in this work. The successful organization will be invited to develop a full proposal to implement the activities detailed in the concept note.


  • October 4, 2024: Invitations open for submission of concept notes

  • October 31, 2024: Concept notes due to Together for Girls

  • November 2024: Successful organization invited to submit full proposals

  • Mid-December 2024: Successful organization awarded grant

  • January 2025: Selection of Scientific Advisory Group members

  • January-March 2025: Development of research design and protocol; protocol submission to ethics review board

  • March 2025-December 2025: Desk review and key stakeholder interviews

  • Jan 2026-March 2026: Final draft report developed and submitted

  • March 2026-April 2026: Results dissemination

Succesful applicant's profile

To be eligible for the award under this RFA, applicants are expected to have technical and organizational capacities that include:

  1. Be a Tanzania-based non-governmental organization (NGO), not-for- profit organization, or private voluntary organization, inclusive of universities with demonstrated experience working with and connections to the government of Tanzania.

  2. Solid technical skills and experience in conducting qualitative research on the issue of VAC and violence against women (VAW).

  3. Proven project management experience or experience managing collaborative projects of similar complexity in Tanzania.

  4. Strong and in-depth knowledge of VAC, VAW, and gender in the Tanzania context.

  5. Demonstrated experience in the development of technical reports.

  6. Proven experience and up-to-date expertise engaging in the child protection and GBV partner landscape, including government, non-government, research and civil society organizations in Tanzania, including Zanzibar, as well as at the regional and global level.

  7. Ability to coordinate and implement data dissemination for a wide range of audiences including program and policy audiences.

  8. Demonstrated managerial, administrative, technical, and institutional capacities to achieve the results outlined in this RFA.

  9. A genuine interest in TfG’s mission, values and partnership.

  10. Availability and commitment to deliver the expected outputs as outlined above.

Application process

Interested parties are invited to submit Concept Notes to with the following:

  • Timeline for project implementation (NTE April 2026)

  • Proposed budget (NTE $135K)

  • Organizational Capacity and Technical Expertise Statement

  • Company profile and portfolio

  • Availability and commitment according to the expected deliverables

  • Proposed collaborations and partnership model with a small Scientific Advisory Group (TfG, CDC, Wellspring,Government of Tanzania, academics, NGOs, etc.) and in coordination with existing mechanisms such as the VACS multisectoral taskforce, the VACS Data-to-Action Technical Support Group, and other VAC/VAW coordinating mechanisms in Tanzania

  • Proposed implementation strategy to include both mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar and both the national and regional-levels, including considerations for prioritization given resource limitations

The Concept Note should be written in English and have a cover page containing the date of submission, the name of the organization submitting the response, the identification and signature of the primary contact person (name, title and email address).

The deadline for application submission is on Thursday, October 31th, 2024, at 5pm EDT.

Selection process

A Technical Review Committee will evaluate the applicants’ Concept, Organizational Capacity and Technical Expertise Statement taking into account the eligibility criteria outlined above.

Short-listed applicants may be contacted to answer further questions/submit a full proposal in November and the successful organization will be notified by email by mid-December 2024.