Our team

Kaylan Weems

Membership Manager, Brave Movement
Kaylan Weems headshot

    Kaylan Weems is Brave’s Membership Manager, based in Washington, DC. Prior to joining the Brave team, she worked at Safe Shores - The DC Children's Advocacy Center as the Prevention & Outreach Specialist.

    Kaylan has experience facilitating trainings and workshops on best practices for preventing child sexual abuse and responding to disclosures. Additionally, she has worked with community stakeholders, including survivors, to create a network of safe adults in youth-serving organizations and beyond.

    While working at Safe Shores, Kaylan earned her Master of Arts degree from George Washington University in International Development Studies and has experience working with various international organizations, including Norwegian Refugee Council and The A21 Campaign.

    Outside of work, she enjoys practicing yoga and hosting dinner parties for her friends.