During the 2009 Violence Against Children and Youth Survey (VACS) in Tanzania, a nationally representative sample of females and males aged 13-24 years reported any experiences of sexual violence that occurred before the age of 18 years.
The results suggest that violence against children in Tanzania is pervasive, with roughly three in 10 females and one in eight males experiencing some form of childhood sexual violence, and its health consequences are severe. Results are being used by the Tanzanian government to implement a National Plan of Action.
CDC research brief: Victims of childhood sexual violence in Tanzania more likely to experience mental and physical health problems
Key Findings
What is added by this report?
Sexual violence against children is common in Tanzania. Most perpetrators were known to the victims, and the incidents of violence took place in familiar locations, such as in their own homes. The ages at greatest risk for the first incident of sexual violence victimization are in the adolescent years for boys and girls. Despite the consequences of violence on victims, and the need for services to address their needs, few victims sought services for violence, and fewer still who sought services received them. This study also documented some of the consequences associated with childhood sexual violence in childhood, including STIs, anxiety, depression, and alcohol use.