Rose: Girls with DREAMS
Rose, Kenya. Photo courtesy of PEPFAR Kenya.
Rose, Kenya. Photo courtesy of PEPFAR Kenya.

Girls with DREAMS: Rose

27th October 2020

Rose lives in Mukuru, an informal settlement outside Nairobi. Mukuru has consistently grown in size and population due to rural-urban migration of Kenyans looking for employment in Nairobi.

Rose: Girls with DREAMS
Rose shares a communal shower at the end of her block. Photo courtesy of PEPFAR Kenya.

The area has a population of over 200,000. Its located near to industrial areas where residents of the settlement could easily access employment.

Most homes in Mukuru are made of iron sheets. High poverty levels in Mukuru have led to increased crime, risky sexual behavior, and drug abuse in the area. Education is provided by formal and informal schools in the area, with most being informal and privately owned.

Rose: Girls with DREAMS
Rose enjoys the lively the atmosphere as she works and talks with her clients. Photo courtesy of PEPFAR Kenya.
Rose: Girls with DREAMS
Rose is putting the finishing touches on a client’s hair locks. Photo courtesy of PEPFAR Kenya.

Rose, a mother of two, works as a hair lock stylist. She twists and styles hair locks at her client’s doorsteps in Mukuru.

Through the DREAMS project, Rose received support to overcome addiction, which had impacted her ability to support her family. Rose says that when she got pregnant, she was coerced into dealing drugs in order to support her partner, who she needed to continue taking care of her.

She is now a proud entrepreneur and dreams of owning her own salon one day.

"I now make hair locks, get paid and save, and hope to have a salon of my own. Getting involved with DREAMS gave me hope and skills to become independent.”

Rose: Girls with DREAMS
Rose and her client enjoy a shared laugh. Photo courtesy of PEPFAR Kenya.

Rose says that she feels she has discovered her potential to run her own business and be a role model to her children and the community. This gives her the daily motivation she needs to run her business and achieve her goals.

Girls with DREAMS

This profile is taken from the PEPFAR Kenya “Our Lens Sauti Zetu (Our Voices)” photo book — a compilation of images captured by DREAMS girls highlighting their own stories.

The following DREAMS girls were the eyes behind the lens and beautifully captured the stories of the young women featured in the project: Dorcas Akinyi Onyango, Agnes Wanjiru Mugure, Flovian Atieno, Faith Akumu, Francisca Ndinda, Effie Awino, Fatuma Lando, Dorothy Oyuga, Linet Odira, Hellen Atieno.

Text and images from “Our Lens Sauti Zetu (Our Voices)” are used with permission from PEPFAR Kenya. Learn more about Girls with DREAMS.