A Raising Voices study found that 60% of children in Uganda regularly experienced violence at school. To combat this, they created a holistic and cost-effective program focused on decreasing violence in schools. The Good School Toolkit is effective in reducing staff violence against children in Ugandan primary and secondary schools.
The Good School Toolkit is led by teachers, students and school-affiliated community members. Together, these teams work to influence the operational culture of the entire school through four entry points: teacher-student relationships, peer-to-peer relationships, student- and teacher-to-school relationships, and parent- and community-to-school governance relationships.
The Good Schools Toolkit reduced children’s risk of experiencing physical violence by school staff by 42% over 18 months of implementation.
primary schools
schools nationwide have received the Good Schools Toolkit materials from the Ugandan Government
Outside the school, the intervention was associated with significantly lower normative beliefs accepting the use of physical discipline practices in schools, based on aggregated caregiver reports. No differences between groups were observed in past-week violence against children at home.