TfG's take

cote d'ivoire blog vision of long lasting change

A vision for long lasting change in Côte d’Ivoire

Together for Girls is promoting meaningful partnerships amongst local agencies to catalyze full scale support for children.

  • 28th March 2022
Safer internet day

Together for a safer internet

International Safer Internet Day serves as a reminder that we all have a role to play in keeping children and adolescents safe online. Together, we can make the internet a safer and better place for children and adolescents now and in the future.

  • 7th February 2022
Human rights day blog header

Human Rights Day 2021: What does it take to achieve the SDGs?

On Human Rights Day, let’s commit to accelerating progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by ending violence against children and adolescents. We must protect their right to live free from violence.

  • 7th December 2021
World AIDS Day illustration

World AIDS Day 2021: End inequalities. End AIDS. End pandemics.

The World AIDS Day 2021 theme is “End Inequality. End AIDS. End Pandemics.” By ending gender inequality and the silent pandemic of sexual violence against children and adolescents, we can create a safer, AIDS-free future.

  • 1st December 2021
World day for prevention healing justice header

The Inaugural World Day to End Sexual Violence Against Children and Adolescents

November 18 is the Inaugural World Day for Prevention, Healing and Justice to End Sexual Violence Against Children and Adolescents.

  • 17th November 2021
Young school girl smiling

Back to school: COVID-19 and the opportunity to build safer learning environments

We have conducted secondary analyses of the Violence Against Children and Youth Surveys (VACS) to understand the prevalence, consequences, and gender-specific experiences of violence in and around schools.

  • 25th October 2021
Cote d Ivoire Afrobaromoter

Gender norms, education, and violence against girls and women: Lessons from Côte d’Ivoire

For decades, advocates and researchers have stressed the need to collect more data on both violence against children and violence against women and have pushed to make sure data is disaggregated by sex, age and geography.

  • 27th September 2021
  • EN, FR
Child smiling in a red shirt Uganda

Pioneering the prevention of violence against children in Uganda

In 2015, Uganda’s commitment to implementing the Violence Against Children Surveys (VACS) was motivated by limited pre-existing nationwide data on the prevalence and magnitude of violence against children.

  • 26th July 2021
Girl silhouette pink illustration

Five things to know from the Generation Equality Forum

The Generation Equality Forum, convened by UN Women was co-hosted by the governments of France and Mexico in close partnership with civil society and youth activists, launched a collective call to accelerate action for gender equality.

  • 30th June 2021
Together for Girls logo

Data-driven advocacy for safe and gender equitable schools

“Social Responsibility within Changing Contexts” was the 2021 conference theme for the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES). CIES is dedicated to increasing understanding of educational issues, trends, and policies through comparative, intercultural, and international perspectives.

  • 21st May 2021
Children colored parachute in park

Seven hopeful highlights to end sexual violence against children

As we think about the past year there are undeniable moments of collaboration and partnership that provide hope as we prepare for the year ahead.

  • 13th December 2020
Young woman in blue and white dress from Colombia

The transformative power of secondary education in Honduras

  • 24th October 2020