All: What works to prevent sexual violence against children: Evidence review

Hands together header

How we can end sexual violence against children and adolescents in the US

Millions of Americans are survivors of childhood sexual violence and affected family members. The Keep Kids Safe US national blueprint to end sexual violence against children and adolescents lays out evidence-based interventions to end sexual violence against children and adolescents in the US.

  • 7th April 2022
A Breeze of Hope march

An opportunity for groundbreaking justice at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights

Next week, on March 29-30, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR) will hear the groundbreaking case of Brisa De Angulo Losada v. Bolivia.

  • 24th March 2022
Safer internet day

Together for a safer internet

International Safer Internet Day serves as a reminder that we all have a role to play in keeping children and adolescents safe online. Together, we can make the internet a safer and better place for children and adolescents now and in the future.

  • 7th February 2022
Boy at school

World Education Day 2022: Changing course, transforming education

To mark World Education Day this year, we spoke to Yona Nestel of Plan International and Olanike Timipa-Uge of Teenage Network to learn more about the impact of COVID-19 on girls’ access to education.

  • 24th January 2022
World AIDS Day illustration

World AIDS Day 2021: End inequalities. End AIDS. End pandemics.

The World AIDS Day 2021 theme is “End Inequality. End AIDS. End Pandemics.” By ending gender inequality and the silent pandemic of sexual violence against children and adolescents, we can create a safer, AIDS-free future.

  • 1st December 2021
World day for prevention healing justice header

The Inaugural World Day to End Sexual Violence Against Children and Adolescents

November 18 is the Inaugural World Day for Prevention, Healing and Justice to End Sexual Violence Against Children and Adolescents.

  • 17th November 2021
Child smiling in a red shirt Uganda

Pioneering the prevention of violence against children in Uganda

In 2015, Uganda’s commitment to implementing the Violence Against Children Surveys (VACS) was motivated by limited pre-existing nationwide data on the prevalence and magnitude of violence against children.

  • 26th July 2021
Group of children

Safe: Preventing gender-based violence in and through schools

Together for Girls and partners hosted a Solutions Summit side event. Global leaders, experts, and youth activists shared the latest data on violence in school settings and highlighted school-based interventions for catalyzing broader social change to end violence.

  • 16th June 2021
Together for Girls logo

Data-driven advocacy for safe and gender equitable schools

“Social Responsibility within Changing Contexts” was the 2021 conference theme for the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES). CIES is dedicated to increasing understanding of educational issues, trends, and policies through comparative, intercultural, and international perspectives.

  • 21st May 2021
Girl swinging on tire swing

VidaNyx: Accelerating child abuse prevention, healing, and justice

Together for Girls profiles VidaNyx — the leading cloud-based digital video evidence management solution that works to address the needs of the Children’s Advocacy Center in the U.S. — as a critical solution in the What Works to Prevent Sexual Violence Against Children Evidence Review.

  • 27th April 2021
Together for Girls logo

Join Keep Kids Safe for a day of events on April 8

The month of April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Child Abuse Prevention Month. Throughout April, the Keep Kids Safe coalition is raising awareness of sexual violence and promoting events that amplify the voices of survivors.

  • 1st April 2021
Town in Guatemala

Colombia Eliminates Statute of Limitations

Responding to violence and ensuring survivors can access justice

  • 12th February 2021