All: Conducting a Violence Against Children and Youth Survey (VACS) among humanitarian-affected populations in Uganda

Uganda HVACS factsheet cover
Fact sheets

Uganda Humanitarian Violence Against Children and Youth Survey (HVACS) factsheet

Explore the main findings from the first-ever Humanitarian Violence Against Children & Youth Survey (HVACS) in Uganda.

Uganda HVACS report cover
VACS reports

Violence Against Children and Youth in Humanitarian Settings: Findings from a 2022 survey of all refugee settlements in Uganda

Explore the data from the first Humanitarian Violence Against Children and Youth Survey (HVACS) in Uganda.

Data to Action Workshop Report Uganda Humanitarian Violence Against Children and Youth Survey HVACS 2022
Technical reports

Data-to-Action Workshop Report: Uganda Humanitarian Violence Against Children Against Children and Youth South Survey (HVACS) 2022

The Government of Uganda, civil society organizations, and international partners participated in a Data-to-Action (D2A) workshop in Kampala, Uganda to create violence prevention priorities informed by HVACS data.

Cementing key partnerships to foster the use of evidence in humanitarian settings Baobab Case Study Three
VACS journal articles

Cementing key partnerships to foster the use of evidence in humanitarian settings

This case study showcases the Baobab Research Programme Consortium (RPC) approach to developing new partnerships to produce policy and program-relevant evidence to address critical SHRH concerns among vulnerable refugee populations in the East and Horn of Africa.

Preparing the ground to influence humanitarian sector policies guidelines and strategies in Uganda Case Study Two
VACS journal articles

Preparing the ground to influence humanitarian sector policies, guidelines, and strategies in Uganda

This case study describes how the Baobab Research Programme Consortium's efforts have created a platform for influencing humanitarian sector policies, guidelines, and strategies with evidence and evidence-based approaches.

Influencing programme plans practices actions and investments in humanitarian settings Case Study One
VACS journal articles

Influencing programme plans, practices, actions, and investments in humanitarian settings

This case study describes the Baobab Research Programme Consortium's pathway to influencing programme plans, practices, actions, and investments in refugee contexts in Uganda.

Exploring the value and replicability of integrating refugees and host community members into research activities in refugee settings
VACS journal articles

Exploring the value and replicability of integrating refugees and host community members into research activities in refugee settings

This report explores the experience of data collection training workshops with refugees and host community members ahead of the Ethiopian Humanitarian Violence Against Children and Young People Survey (HVACS).

Child abuse neglect journal
VACS journal articles

Cross-time comparison of adverse childhood experience patterns among Kenyan youth: Violence Against Children and Youth Surveys, 2010 and 2019

Power of Data to Action
Technical reports

The power of Data to Action: Country experiences and lessons following Violence Against Children and Youth Surveys

This resource provides evidence that VACS data and associated processes contribute to meaningful policy change and action to end violence against children and adolescents and gender-based violence.

  • EN, ES
Uganda school related gender based violence fact sheet
Fact sheets

Uganda: School-related gender-based violence fact sheet

Data on school-related gender-based violence in Uganda.

Uganda National child policy 2020
National Action Plans

Uganda National Child Policy 2020

The National Child Policy (NCP) demonstrates the commitment by the Government of Uganda to ensure the well-being of all children. It has an institutional mechanism to ensure it is implemented in a multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary manner.

Plos one journal
VACS journal articles

Sexual risk behaviors, mental health outcomes, and attitudes supportive of wifebeating associated with childhood transactional sex among adolescent girls and young women: Findings from the Uganda Violence Against Children and Youth Survey

Explore the research and findings from the Uganda Violence Against Children and Youth Survey.
